Monday, June 14, 2010

Takeoff - Almost

We have been packing, unpacking, repacking ,weighing and starting all over again. As important and fascinating all this may seem my mind keeps wandering off. I am debating whether or not to do the 'papal kneel and kiss the ground routine', not that I would actually do it. I just think it would be hilarious and slightly disturbing if I was to do that.
It is going to be an extremely busy 27 hour period as we drive to Chicago, fly to D.C to connect with the South Africa flight, pick up our WC tickets in Johannesburg and then get on the next flight to Gaborone. Let the adventure begin...


  1. What an adventure it will be! I am looking forward to reading everything. Happy and safe travels, Changas.

  2. I talked to Ry's "soccer coach" tonight and she knows of you. She said your Monti soccer kiddos were telling her about their coach, and how he's going to SA for the WC, and how excited you were to eat "grass-fed beef." They thought that was the most hilarious thing ever.
    Hey- if that's all you wanted, you could've just come to the Feierabend household. No need to fly around the world.
    :) Thinking of you!
